Enrolment & Waiting List

Priority of Access (Kindergarten)

The Victorian Government has priority of access criteria that apply only to funded kindergarten places.

The criteria requires services to give priority of access to children in the following order:

  • -children at risk of abuse or neglect, including children in out-of-home care (OoHC)
  • -Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children
  • -asylum seeker and refugee children
  • -children eligible for the Kindergarten Fee Subsidy
  • -children with additional needs, defined as children who:
    • -require additional assistance in order to fully participate in the kindergarten program
    • -require a combination of services which are individually planned
    • -have an identified specific disability or developmental delay.

After offering places to children on the priority list, services may choose to allocate priority to children on whatever basis they choose as stated in their policy. At Millville we choose to prioritise children who have siblings at the service or have demonstrable links to the service.


Where there are insufficient places for eligible children, after prioritising using the criteria above, services must:

  • work with other local kindergarten services
  • the regional Department office to ensure all eligible children have access to a kindergarten place.

Priority of Access (Long Day Care)

At Millville we choose to prioritise children who have siblings at the service or have demonstrable links to the service.

Providers are asked to prioritise children who are:

  • -at risk of serious abuse or neglect
  • -a child of a sole parent who satisfies, or parents who both satisfy, the activity test through paid employment.


To be made to a Director. Prospective families will be shown through the Centre and briefly given an explanation of the Centre's policies. Families/Guardians will be required to read through the Family Handbook and if the policies of the Centre are agreed to they will proceed with enrolling their child. If no places are available they will be placed on a waiting list. 

Yearly Placements

Places are offered to families currently using the service for the following year and acceptances are sent out mid year.  We then work through our waiting list (taking note of the priority of access) and places are offered based on availability.

Enrolling Your Child

Once a place has been offered and accepted, families will and enrolment pack that is required to be completed and returned, an enrolment link will also be emailed and families will need to complete the online enrolment before care can commence.  Further information such as a family handbook and Medical conditions Policy will also be emailed for your information. A gradual period of integration and orientation is arranged when possible.

Wait List Application Form

Allocations for enrolments for 2024 have been filled.  

Limited positions for 2025 3 & 4 Year Old Kinder are available.

Waitlist for 2025 & 2026 are open

Wait List Application 2026.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 626.6 KB
Kinder Wait List Application 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 644.8 KB